BEHEMOTH's NERGAL: 'The Majority Of Death Metal Bands From The USA Are So Generic, They All Sound Perfect'

February 6, 2014

Ross Baker of Ghost Cult magazine recently conducted an interview with guitarist/vocalist Adam "Nergal " Darski of Polish extreme metallers BEHEMOTH. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below.

On his health following the five-month bout of leukemia he overcame in January 2011, after receiving a bone-marrow transplant:

"I've just been for some routine checks and test at the hospital and I am happy to announce I am very much alive and well! The fact that I am healthy and I have the deadliest weapon that BEHEMOTH has ever created in my hands makes my life complete.

"I definitely feel life has more meaning that it did before. I don't spend my time overanalyzing things the way I used to. Life seems to be more joyful these days, and I know it sounds like a cliché from a James Bond movie, but tomorrow is a question mark and we need to embrace today."

On BEHEMOTH's new studio album, "The Satanist":

"Extreme art should be shocking and provoke a reaction.

"I really hope we are viewed as more than just a black metal band. We are an extreme band that can communicate our ideas on so many levels.

"Extreme metal music these days is often only extreme by definition. It is a never-ending process of striving for perfection.

"Too many bands are chasing this and the scene is becoming like the 'X-Factor' for black metal. There is no danger and unpredictability anymore.

"The majority of death metal bands from the USA are so generic, they all sound perfect. It is fast and technical, but there is no substance.

"Bands forget about emotion when they strive for perfection.

"You should be driven by your intuition and not just be concerned with shredding on your guitar.

"Perfection is boring and uninspiring.

"When people listen to 'The Satanist', it will stimulate them in many different ways.

"I saw cabaret at the theatre recently and it was extremely moving.

"Extreme art must make people uncomfortable, whether it is music, art or films. It has to be thought-provoking.

"It takes a lot of energy for me to do this.

"I remember after my transplant, when we started playing shows again. There was a time I thought I was going to pass out onstage because it was so taxing playing the show and I did not have as much energy as before, but now I am ready. I know I can give my all to this."

Read more from Ghost Cult magazine.

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